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Grades 6 - 8 

The middle school program emphasizes character, responsibility, organization, and study skills.  Students learn to balance the increased academic expectations as they grow as a community mentored by an excellent team of middle school teachers.  Core subjects are enriched by electives in music, art, life skills, drama, physical education, and yearbook. The curriculum is also enhanced by Mandarin Chinese (6th-8th grade), speech (7th grade), and personal finance (8th grade).

Core Subjects

Our middle school students learn a systematic approach to the Bible through a sequential examination of each book, beginning with the Old Testament. The curriculum incorporates discussion and writing within each unit. Bible verse memorization is encouraged in class as students learn to apply the lesson to their own life.

Language arts students at KCS build on prior knowledge, as concepts and skills are reinforced and applied to new material taught at the secondary level. An in-depth understanding of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, written communication, and comprehension skills are acquired as new information is taught. The reading component for middle school focuses on a variety of genres (contemporary, classic, and Christian pieces).

The middle school mathematics program focuses on moving from basic math to pre-algebra and algebra concepts.

The middle science curriculum enables students to solve real-life problems related to earth and physical science.  STEM principles, including a Coding curriculum, are integrated into 7th grade science.

Reinforcing the Christ-centered curriculum of the elementary program, the middle school social studies program affords the student a deeper understanding of the histories of our nation, other countries, and ancient civilizations. World history, Hawaiian history, U.S. history, and current events are covered during the middle school years.


8th Grade Drama Performance

Christmas & Spring Concerts

Middle School Camp

Student Council

Washington, D.C. Trip (Grades 8-10)

Extracurricular Activities

CSAL Athletics: Basketball & Volleyball (Grade 6)

Chess Club

HSF Athletics (Grades 7-12)
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball 
