‘Ohana. Here in Hawaii, we hear that term so often that we sometimes don’t pause to think about what the word means. Most of us know that ‘ohana refers to a group that extends beyond one’s core family or blood relations. But the term is much more profound than simply identifying members of a group. ‘Oha refers to the part of the taro plant that we commonly call the “shoot” - it is that part that is planted to become the next generation. In this sense, ‘ohana is a group of people who belong to each other and who share the obligation of behaving responsibly and acting with integrity toward one another, in the hope that all members of the group are nourished and that the spirit and values of the ‘ohana are carried on for generations.KCS is indeed an ‘ohana in the most meaningful sense of the word. Under the guidance of dedicated teachers and administrative staff, partnering with parents and families, KCS students are given personal attention and actively encouraged to make the most of their educational, social, and spiritual opportunities. We feel extremely blessed to be a part of each student’s life as we see them as part of our ‘ohana. As each of our staff have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a heart for ministering to each student and his or her family, our sense of community is deeply rooted in our Christian faith. And it is our faith and our sense of ministry that motivate us to not only teach and mentor with excellence, but to seek to establish a firm, Christian foundation for each child that they may have a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.